There is so much to tell you. Normally I hope for a spiritual teaching in this newsletter, but there is a lot of logistical activity currently going on at St. Peter's.
I hope you know by now that I am comfortable answering questions transparently about what happens around St. Peter's, but in contrast I shy away from repeating the same information over and over again when we don't have new information.
Specifically this relates to our building clean up. I want to let you all know that we are still working on gathering estimates for necessary mold cleaning. Charles S. is doing a great job coordinating these efforts. As mentioned before this process is slowed down by the schedules of out-of-town remediation companies, busy roofers, and insurance adjusters. (Bless their hearts)
As of the writing of this article 9/13/19 we expect for the roof work to begin in one-and-1/2 weeks. This work is fully covered by insurance. A secondary remediation company will do roof and ceiling evaluations and then provide us with estimates of time and costs. One domino has to fall before the other can begin to move and it's not clear yet what support we'll have from insurance.
So currently we are learning: to be patient.
It's ironic; patience was the unforeseen lesson in our Pathfinder Community bible study on Thursday evening at Pioneer BBQ. Acts chapter 1.1-11 (take a look) : After Jesus ascends into heaven the disciples find themselves waiting again for the Holy Spirit to come. Waiting, Waiting, Waiting. I promise! Things are happening; it just takes time.
Of course we're all keenly aware of saying farewell to Linda Patterson after a fruitful tenure of leadership in our parish. We will say goodbye (God be with ye) to her and the family on September 29th as her last Sunday; please stay for the reception after church to offer love and support.
Because music is so important to our life together we have begun planning the transition to an interim music director. And I have requested the vestry to affirm a search committee to help me identify a person called as our next director.
Please offer your prayers for these times we are in. God is very good to us, and he is going to reveal great things for St. Peter's!
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