Tuesday, July 24, 2018

New Beginnings Vol. 1.1 July 2018

Have I already told you how great it is to be in Brenham? Thank you to everyone that has dropped by in the office to say hello.  You’ve all made my welcome to Brenham and St. Peter’s feel like home, and I’m very privileged to be here with you.  I’d like to share with you all our family plan for the next few days so you are aware of the craziness in our household.

I’m writing this on Tuesday July 24th.  I have been camping out at St. Peter’s House across the street until Thursday; Kate and Mary Kathryn are in Clear Lake, Texas with her parents.  They are expecting to come up for our house closing on Thursday July 26th.  After the closing Kate, Matthew (18) and Mary Kathryn (16) will be heading to Wimberly, Texas to celebrate Kate’s father’s 70th birthday. 
We won’t see Matthew very much in Brenham as he is working summer sessions at Camp Allen.  And very soon he starts the fall semester at Rice.  I will remain here in Brenham while the family goes to Wimberly so that on Friday July 27th I can tell the movers which rooms to put the boxes in the new house.
Now!  None of this sounds very spiritual, does it? Well the faithful part is that Kate is allowing me to tell the movers where to put things in the house.  Sometimes faithfulness comes from places you don’t expect.  In the middle of the craziness of moving we have to find some place that is stable and sure.  That’s why for the last several days I have been praying Morning Prayer and Compline in our beautiful chapel.  Prayer helps keep me stable when everything else is up in the air.

You should see my office right now, talk about crazy.  Books and files on the floor and knick-knacks haven’t found a home on a shelf yet.  Lord help me bring order to this chaos.  Better still, Lord help me rest in you while the chaos swirls around me. 
I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you.  I’ve gotten to sit down briefly with each of our staff members and they are wonderful. I am so thankful that God has brought us together, and I am so glad to be at St. Peter’s!

I've got to go, I'll check with Amy Schramm to make sure this article is long enough.

Fr. Stephen +

Will you?

There's nothing like a boat-load of baptisms to get you thinking about what it means to be a Christian-person.  Never in 20 years of min...