Wednesday, October 3, 2018

On Prayer Vol. 4.1 October 2018

Updating our prayer list.
This is the first of two articles I'm providing on the topic of prayer.  Article 1 deals mainly with procedures for the Church Prayer List while Article 2 address the rationale.

Article 1 On Prayer (1 of 2)
Prayer lists can be very complicated things to maintain.  It's not just about adding names and taking them off again.  Having a prayer list involves confidentiality, privacy, and mindful praying.

Recently, I sat down with Nancy Leaton and Cherry Daugbjerg to discuss our process of submitting names for the parish prayer list.  We factored in several concerns such as 1) providing information to deliver prayer shawls, 2) prayer for specific health concerns, 3) keeping the privacy of those for whom we pray, and 4) communicating the list to the congregation on a weekly basis.  I think we have found a faithful and simple solution to address all of these concerns.

Some of these items are already in place while others are simply additional.

The Church Prayer List.
1) The Church Prayer List is reset quarterly in January, April, July, and October.  Every three months we will re-add names to the list.  This is to ensure that we are mindful of the people we are praying for and not simply leaving names on the list.
2) If you would like to add a person to this list, then a) gain his or her permission b) call the church office and speak with Amy, and c)the person's name will be added to the list during the current quarter.
3) When we are able to produce prayer shawls we strive to bless the folks on this list with the gift.
4) This prayer list will be published weekly in the service bulletin so that you can prayer for one another during the week.

Sunday Prayer List
The Sunday Prayer List will include the Church Prayer List printed on the large print Prayers of the People sheet in the narthex.  The sheet is on the left hand side of the narthex on the table.  On this sheet you can write in names for prayers during Sunday worship only.  The prayers on this sheet will be offered up on the altar during the Eucharist and by Father Stephen during his morning devotional.

Thank you for helping us keep an orderly stewardship of our prayer life.  If you have any questions please contact me.
Fr. Stephen+

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