Thursday, October 11, 2018

Growing Pains Vol. 4.3 October 2018

Everybody's got a plan on how to grow the church.  If we just change this, or if we just change that. If the priest were more dynamic.  If the music was a different style...  If we had more children, then their parents would come.  If we have program for the parents, then they'll bring their children.  If we use the prayer book; if we print the entire bulletin.  If we weren't so formal...

It's ironic to me that the very thing that we love about our tradition seems to be the thing that folks think we need to change in order to reach new people.  The Episcopal Church and St. Peter's specifically has a beauty to offer Brenham and Washington County.  We have a great church.  People laugh, are friendly, care and pray for other members and for non-members.  You know! Church-y things.

Pause and think.  You are already here at St. Peter's.  Something about St. Peter's or the Prayer Book  or our music, or friendships...whatever it is, makes you love this community, even if it's not perfect.  There are other people out in the county that think and feel the same way as you.  The very thing that makes you love St. Peter' what they haven't experienced yet.

If any thing at all needs to change it's this:  Our attitude. Our attitude needs to change about our self.  St. Peter's (and the Episcopal Church for that matter) has a great tradition that brings value to the Christian Body and is God's gift to a particular type of people.  We are not mega-church, and that is just fine.  We may be the Frozen Chosen, and that is just fine too.  Why? Because even the Frozen Chosen are still Chosen.

When it comes to church, let's do what we do.  Let's just do it better.  Let's love St. Peter's like we love Jesus Christ and are thankful for his gift to us.

What does God say about growth?  If only we could figure out the new gimmick to trick people into coming to church?  No!! It is to plant seeds of joy, forgiveness, kindness.  And it is to say as St. Andrew said to St. Peter, "Come and see..."

My godly counsel to you about growing the church: make peace with what we are.  Be excited about who we are as Christians.  Love Jesus and St. Peter's more than you love your favorite sports team, the golf course, or your politics.  And when you do...then you'll see growth.

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